Dr. Huffman's Website for Autism
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Discover An Exciting New Drug Free Care Program For Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders!

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Dear Parents,
My name is Dr. Joshua Huffman and I am a board certified chiropractic neurologist.  I am also a Diplomate of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. I am the clinic director of Mounds View Chiropractic in Mounds View, MN. I consult with hundreds of doctors around the country and am the author of the alternative medicine bestseller, "Growing Young." It's time to stop believing the myths you've been told about autism, that it is a genetic disorder and nothing can be done for your child.

  • Are you tired of running from doctor to doctor only to play “Russian Roulette” with different medications for your child? “Here try this drug, that didn’t work? Try this one!”

  • Are you tired of giving your child drugs that don’t fix the problem?

  • Does your child continue to struggle in school or struggle with family and peer relationships?


I am here to tell you that there is NEW HOPE!

If you’re tired of dealing with this problem and you are worried about it getting worse, learn how your child’s autism can be helped!

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